Walking Snowy – with my partner, my love, my wife

In the golden hour's gentle embrace,
We walk with my puppy, full of grace.
Snowy, our precious friend so dear,
With bright questioning eyes, devoid of fear.

As evening shadows dance and play,
He waits patiently, day after day.
When our work is done, a familiar routine,
We set off together, a blissful scene.

With leash in hand, his joy takes flight,
Bounding forth with pure delight.
Collar snugly around his neck,
He can't stop but relish his wagging trek.

Each blade of grass, a new frontier,
Every pebble demands inspection near.
He explores the path, curious and keen,
Squirrels taunting him, a playful scene.

Other dogs we meet, old and new,
Conversations shared, in words only they knew.
Sniffing and wagging, tails held high,
Creating friendships, as time drifts by.

Even as he takes care of his affairs,
Cleaning up behind him, my heart repairs.
His appetite for life, a mystery profound,
What treasures he finds on the ground!

And when a deer appears in view,
No leash can restrain his valiant pursuit.
He defends his domain with a noble might,
A protector, fierce and bold in sight.

But when the walk comes to an end,
By his water bowl, he starts to descend.
Sipping cool water, his thirst he quells,
Renewing spirits, as he replenishes wells.

For each walk with Snowy, a sacred chance,
A renewal of faith, a joyous dance.
In his presence, life's wonders unfold,
A reminder of the treasures yet untold.

So, we wander together, side by side,
In nature's embrace, we confide.
Our puppy, our friend, forever true,
Snowy, our love, we cherish you!
