The form of Nirguna Brahman, prayed to by Devas, Rsis and Ganas (Devarṣi-gaṇa-saṃghāta-stūyamānātma-vaibhavā)

In realms where silence is a sacred hymn,
Devas, Rsis, Ganas seek Her Light, not dim,
Praying to the Mother, Nirguna's prime form.

Guidance they seek in Her boundless sway,
The unmanifest truth, in night and day,
Her serene wisdom, the cosmic norm.

Egos, shadowed in mortal guise,
Find in Her grace, their truth and grow wise,
Absolution in her radiance, a transformative storm.

Through the dance of the cosmos, Her guidance flows,
In each prayer and plea, Her presence glows,
Mother of all, Nirguna's truest form.
