A perfect chin – a chin beyond compare! (Anākalita-sādṛśya-cibuka-śrī-virājitā)

In the realm of beauty's grace, behold
The chin that gleams, a story untold.
Mother Lalitha's radiant face, divine,
Where perfection finds its sacred shrine.

Her chin, a gem in this celestial art,
Completes the masterpiece, a work of heart.
It lights the path of her visage so fair,
A beacon of joy, beyond compare.

No other chin can claim such grand design,
For it possesses a brilliance so fine.
With every glance, the gates of liberation,
Reveal their secrets, an invitation.

A sculpted curve, so gracefully defined,
A symphony of elegance, unconfined.
Each line, a testament to divine grace,
Enchanting souls, embracing their embrace.

Her chin, a treasure, a wondrous sight,
A symbol of wisdom, pure and bright.
It breathes life into her countenance divine,
A cosmic dance, an eternal shrine.

Oh, to behold the beauty of her chin,
A journey through realms, where hopes begin.
In its presence, enlightenment awakes,
An inner flame, a celestial quake.

Mother Lalitha's chin, a blessing bestowed,
A celestial jewel, forever bestowed.
Its radiance illuminates the world anew,
A gateway to liberation, forever true.
